You are to specify, build and evaluate a small/medium sized application to run across the internet. The actual site you build is entirely your choice, so long as it is able to address the criteria appropriately, and guidance and feedback regarding your proposed ideas will be given during workshop sessions between weeks 3 and 7.
Element 2S: Specification of the proposed system worth 25% due week 7: Your specification should be sufficiently detailed to enable a prospective user or purchaser to select the application and for another programmer to be able implement the application. Include the following elements:
Concept and context - 20%
Site layout and design - 20%
Backend design - 40%
Advanced issues - 20%
The following elements are likely to form a significant part of a complete specification:
- A strong concept.
- Evidence of research both technical and contextual.
- Evidence of consideration of alternative solutions.
- Evidence of consideration of feasibility.
- A complete site map.
- Two example input page mockups, two example output page mockups.
- Data specification (usually ER and EA diagrams).
- Specification of dynamic pages (inputs, purpose, validation).
- Consideration of development language and tools.
- Consideration of broad security issues.
- Consideration of copyright issues.
Element 2A: Demonstration of the finished application worth 50% due week 14:
A functional prototype of your application is to be published live on an Internet server.
If any parts of the system are password protected you must clearly give the necessary password details in a file passwords.txt submitted via the Online File Submission. Keep a backup copy of your work (which works on Localhost).
Demonstration of application:
A functional prototype of your application is to be published live on an Internet server.
If any parts of the system are password protected you must clearly give the necessary password details in a file passwords.txt submitted via the Online File Submission. Keep a backup copy of your work (which works on Localhost).
Demonstration of application:
- You are required to demonstrate your completed application in week 14.
- A schedule of demonstration times will be posted under Submission Details below.
- The demonstration is an integral part of the assessment process.
- Failure to demonstrate your application will result in a maximum mark of 49%
- The purpose of the demonstration is to:
- provide confirmation that the application is your own work
- allow you to respond to comments or questions about your work from the assessor
- explain any points about your work not otherwise covered