Sunday, 9 October 2011

Wire Frames (Group Ideas Pool)

In this idea we start with a tear drop style. You begin at the top with "you" and have multiply branches. Similar to a family tree and would play on the theme of family which we would like to use.

To create a new set of contacts you would simply "add member" and rename the surname field.


This image shows what a message board system could look like.

The board would be neatly at the bottom of the page out of the way of the main content. Avatars, messages and dates would be displayed.


This is a copy of Craig's layout, just seeing if it would work with my logo idea.

This is is more of a traditional social media layout whereby the user would rarely need to navigate away from the main page once logged in. Details would be displayed dynamically below the form in the style of a more traditional contact book.