Splash page
With other examples of online address books and social media sites, its important to have a splash page were users can either sign up or log in to their existing profile.
To the right is a quick mock-up of a possible design for our splash page.
A cookie will be useful for users who wish to log back in, so they won't have to re-enter their details onto the website. So the minimum we will have is the user name and password cookie. We can set the password to display * 's instead of characters however encryption of the password is another subject of research. A good example of cookies in action is at http://www.cookiecentral.com/demomain.htm view page source to see how its called and used.
Tables (for data base)
What we will need:
User ID -
First name
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Family Tie
We will also be looking into encryption of this table.